
27 lutego 2017

„Uf jer wełt” in Polish Theatre in Warsaw

We would like to invite you to Polish Theatre in Warsaw (ul. Karasia 2) for the play „Uf jer wełt” prepared by youth of Wilamowice on 28th of March at 12.00.”Uf jer wełt” („The next world”) is theatre play in Wymysorys, prepared by young actors from Wilamowice, based on an epic poem written in 1921 by Florian Biesik who earlier served as high railway clerk in Trieste, the biggest part of the Austria-Hungary Empire. Right over there, in the city influenced by Italian culture, longing for his homeland, he had found a great inspiration for his work. It was Dante’s „Divine comedy”. Biesik populated Paradise, Purgatory and Hell with people he knew from Wilamowice. The play shows episodes from author’s life and takes spectators on a journey beyond this world.

Wymysorys language is known from 13th century, but after II World War using it was forbidden, Wymysorys almost disappeared. Recently people for Wilamowice are returning to their roots thanks to young activists, work of The Association of Wilamowianie with support of academic projects and programmes. Teaching and revitalization of the language are under the auspices of Faculty of ”Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw.

This theatrical activity enters the assumptions of language revitalisation idea – saving the language of ancestors and returning the prestige by promotion its value as cultural heritage.

If you would like to see this extraordinary production please write at till 3rd of March to receive a free ticket.

Premiere took place on 25th of September 2016 during The Field School in Wilamowice.

Organizers: Faculty of „Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, The Association of Wilamowianie.