
6 czerwca 2016

„Hobbit. Hejn ȧn cyryk”

On Friday 26th February 2016 in Teatr Polski theater play in Wymysiöeryś „Hobbit. Hejn ȧn cyryk” was performed. The event was organised by Faculty of „Artes Liberales”, youth from Wilamowice and Wilamowianie Association. Spectators of the performance were welcomed in Wymysiöeryś by the Rector of the University of Warsaw prof. Marcin Pałys. Then dr hab. Justyna Olko, local language activist and teacher Tymoteusz Król and theatre director Andrzej Seweryn delivered their speeches. The folk ensemble “Wilamowianie” presented dances from Wilamowice. “Hobbit. Hejn ȧn cyryk “ performance based upon the novel by J.R.R. Tolkien was part of celebrations of International Mother Language Day. Scenography, costumes, script, music and young actor playing were marvelous. After performance, there were two workshops for children: one concerning traditional dance and the second about costume and language of Wilamowice.
Photos from the play are available here.